Curry Burger with Tamarind Chutney

You ready for a flavor explosion?

The Spicy Curry Slider with tamarind chutney is a tried and true favorite. Been rockin’ this one for almost 25 years. I hope it brings y’all as much joy as it has the patrons at many of my restaurants around the country. This one was The Rock’s favorite as soon as I put it on the menu at The Crescent in Beverly Hills. Not a bunch of tough moves in here. The only ingredient with a variable attached is the tamarind. It would take much more time than most are willing to spend to render the pods, so we will cheat around that for ease of execution.

Tamarind Chutney

What we need:

1 bosc pear, seeded and small diced
1 honeycrisp apple, seeded and small dice
1 C golden raisin
2 cloves garlic, minced
½ lg yellow onion, small diced
2 T butter
1 T salt
1/2 T pepper
2 cans of Tamarind nectar

What we are doing:

In a medium sized pot melt butter and add fruits and veg. Sweat out until soft (10-12 min) over medium heat.
Season ingredients and add tamarind nectar.
Stir consistently so sugars don’t stick to the bottom and burn.
We are trying to get the fruits and veg swole up with that tamarind love.
Once all ingredients have tightened up, remove from heat and let cool for 15 min. In your blender pulse all ingredients (don’t overstuff your blender, work in batches if you must) until you have a chunky consistency.
Store properly, cover, and refrigerate until ready for use.
This is an item best used chilled. Room temp is fine, but chilled is better for contrast.

Curry burger

What we need:

3# 80/20 ground chuck
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 med y. onion, very small diced
3 fresh jalapeno, seeded and small diced
½ bunch cilantro, dusted
2 T parsley, dusted
1 T fresh thyme, dusted
1 t cinnamon
2 t dark chili powder
2.5 T curry powder- *Note here. Curry powders vary greatly in pungency and heat. Please choose yours according to you and your guest’s palates.
1 egg
1 T S&P

What we are doing:

In a properly sized mixing bowl add all ingredients.
With gloved hands, mix thoroughly. Be careful not to overwork meat or let get too warm. Either will break down the fat content of your meat.

Tear off a chunk of your seasoned meat, and in a skillet over med heat, sear off your taster. Here is where we are checking seasoning. If you have chosen a milder curry, you may want to see if it’s time to get heavier handed. The curry is the star, but you want its flavor to start more in the background and become more prominent with each bite.
Form patties to 2.5 oz. Sheet pan out your patties, cover, and chill till ready to use.

What else you will need:

2 bunches of mint, picked, this will act as your garnish.
Naan bread, (enough for your guests), cut into your shape of choice. These will be your buns. Brioche slider buns will also work.

Execution Time

Get the coals and wood of choice rollin’ in your pit. If you are using gas, shame on you. We are looking for flavor. A gas grill will give you marks that are sexy, but will never impart any real flavor to anything you cook on it.
If I am feeling crazy, I will often toss these bad boys on the smoker for 7/10 just to add to the profile before I take them to direct heat.
Cook those morsels to med and remove from heat.


Pretty straight forward from here in. Naan bread down. Burger atop. Dollop of tamarind chutney. Mint leaf garnish. Naan again. And done. Cook it up and rock out sports fans.

Mmmmmm, mmmmmmm, good!